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Hunting fossil shark teeth off the coast of North Carolina is not just limited to offshore SCUBA diving. Anyone who walks the beaches off the coast has the possibility of encountering a plethora of interesting items including modern or fossilized shark teeth. The most common encounters with fossil shark teeth on the beach will be from the smaller species such as Bull Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Mako Sharks, Great White Sharks, and Lemon Sharks. The beaches in the Cape Fear area make an ideal hunting ground for fossilized shark teeth, and are most commonly found on the east facing beaches including Topsail Beach, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Ft Fisher. One of the best times to look for fossilized shark teeth is during any beach renourishment or dredging activities as this puts new material onto the beach that can be littered with fossil shark teeth. The Cape Fear River is the believed source of many of these fossil shark teeth and kayak trips to dredge spoil islands commonly referred to as “shark tooth island” can lead to a successful collection of fossil shark teeth. 

For more information on identification of fossil shark teeth please visit:

Tom's Teeth

As always please share your finds and feel free to ask any questions you may have

Hunting the Beaches of Coastal Carolina

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Zach DeWitt

2013 Olde Regent Way Ste 150 Leland, NC 28451 Tel: (513) 535-5577 

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