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My Story

In 2013, I did my first fossil scuba dive for megalodon shark teeth off the coast of North Carolina. Since then, I have recovered thousands of fossil megalodon shark teeth and have had the pleasure of sharing this experience with hundreds of other SCUBA divers. The thrill of SCUBA diving for megalodon shark teeth is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  I am a USCG Captain and have masters degree from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. I enjoy all sorts of ocean and beach activities in addition to providing high-quality fossil megalodon shark teeth from the carolinas

Scuba Diving for Megalodon Shark Teeth
Scuba Diving for Fossil Megalodon Benedini Shark Teeth
Scuba Diving for Sharks Teeth off North Carolina

Scuba Diving for fossil Megalodon shark teeth off the coast of North Carolina can be a challenging yet rewarding experience to qualified divers. Below is a outline on general SCUBA conditions for shark tooth hunting:


Sea Conditions


The most significant factor to take into account for offshore shark tooth diving in North Carolina is the wind and wave conditions. Many days with strong winds (>15knots) provide unfavorable diving conditions. Cancellations are to be expected, and just one of the downsides to the long 25 and 40 mile offshore trips. An additional concern is current, strong currents on-site, upwards of 2knts+, make it essential for divers to go down and return safely up the anchor and down lines.


Underwater Visibility


Visibility is generally good, but can be highly variable off the carolina coast. Factors such as: rainwater runoff, current, 

,proximity offshore, and plankton blooms can all impair visibility. In general, the offshore 40-mile ledge has good visibility (avg 50ft) due its close proximity to the warm blue waters of the gulf stream. Additionally, East and Northeast winds generally eddy in warm gulf stream water increasing visibility. Good visibility is one of the luxuries of offshore fossil hunting in North Carolina, however other sea conditions can impair this luxury.


Friendly Remember: Fossil Hunting Not Fossil Pickin Upin'


I hope everyone enjoys the thrill of the hunt! SCUBA diving for megalodon teeth and other fossils is a rewarding experience for those that have the skillset and qualifications. Offshore North Carolina fossil diving provides every diver a good chance at finding a giant fossil from the most fantastic predator to ever roam the planet!


Can You Find It First??

Charter Operations

If you have the qualifications and interest in SCUBA diving for megalodon teeth the next thing you a ride out there.


There are many different options for SCUBA diving for megalodon shark teeth out of Wrightsville Beach & Carolina Beach. One of my favorites (maybe I am a little biased) is Jet Lag charters. The Captain has a plethora of captaining and fossil diving experience to provide you a safe, fun, and thrilling dive environment. The 43' Jet Lag is a comfortable, spacious, and fast ride to all the fossil sites of offshore North Carolina Come experience the thrill of a lifetime and maybe if you are lucky..... you might have the pleasure of having me as a captain or mate. 



Happy Hunting!

Scuba Diving for Fossil Megalodon Shark Teeth off North Carolina
Scuba Diving Charter for Megalodon Shark Teeth

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Shark Teeth Mega Store


Zach DeWitt

2013 Olde Regent Way Ste 150 Leland, NC 28451 Tel: (513) 535-5577 

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